#Demon Head
fasslayer · 11 months
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Monster drawing, part of my monster artbook. Visit my marketplace for more details!: 
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Wario forcing the final boss of the day to row him back home is the greatest thing.
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editorofeverything · 1 year
Damian and Talia sort some things out before heading to the Order of Guardians. Things don't go the way either of them expects.
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suddenmovements · 7 months
demon head x tuntematon sotilas (+ viehe)
harvemmin tulee mitään tekstipostauksia tehtyä, mutta nyt on sen verran ravisteleva juttu että pakko jakaa. @karivuoto:n ideasta inspiroituneena perkasin läpi demon headin tuotannon ja sovitin sitä tuntemattomaan ja samalla meidän omiin poikiin viertoon ja hellströmiin (viehe, helvi).
omat lempilapseni 2 ensimmäistä albumia kävin läpi tarkemmin, mutta 3. ja 4. oli hankalempia koska a) hellfire ocean voidiin ei löydy lyriikoita ja b) viscera on jääny vähemmälle kuuntelulle tyylinsä takia. singleistä rivers of mars ja the resistance poimin vaan ensimmäisen, koska se on paljon tutumpi. kappaleet etenee järjestyksessä myös niillä albumeilla, joista en ottanu mukaan jokaista.
vaikka demon headin sanotuksissa on paljon okkultismiteemaa, niin iso osa tuotannosta on silti tosi osuvaa koska liikutaan pohjoisissa metsissä kuoleman rajamailla ja kohdataan/koetaan selittämättömiä asioita, yleensä hirveyksiä.
mainittakoon myös, että musiikkia on kuunneltu nimenomaan tuntematon ja viehe etusijalla, eikä kappaleita ole kytketty todellisiin jatkosodan tapahtumiin (vaikka vääjäämättähän siinä miljöössä liikutaan... silti keskiössä on fiktiiviset henkilöt, niiden ympärille rakentuvat tapahtumat ja näistä heräävät ajatukset sekä tunteet. joita on paljon)
potkin ja huudan
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thunder on the fields / ride the wilderness
thunder on the fields:
kariluoto: menneskeæderen een gang brændt viger du ikke fra ilden
hellström: we are burning it's a long damned path / but I know it's right for me
salo, sihvonen: thunder on the fields they gather around to fear / and worship what they do not understand
vierto/laatta: older now older now, this world is old / and I can't remember your face at all
rokka sihvosen silmin: hic svnt dracones they'll keep on trying to cage me, but I / I wasn't born to follow
järjettömyys, päämääränä kalmistot: gallow's omen cadaverous people, bleak / drought, famine and pestilence
viehe: untune the sky when I am obsolete and all is through / will I think of nothingness / or will I think of you
ride the wilderness:
traagiset, lehto: undertaker your eyes are frightened and you don't understand / that you can do nothing only I can
lammio: winterland the great white fields are beautiful at night / but their warriors are ready to fight
haavoittuminen (honkajoki, vanhala, hellström): revelations of april they gave me a panorama of the universe / but I think that it only exists in me
määttä eksyy/pitkät marssit/luonnossa selviytyminen: ride the wilderness easy to know, but hard to understand / how a beautiful landscape can hold such malignancy
lahtinen (ja viehe): book of changes the fortune that we had / never gave for a place in the sun
lehto jos se olis selvinny pidemmälle: demon head used to feel so sick and alone / a warm touch would chill me to the bone
lammion isä: the greatest lie the greatest lie he told / is that this is how things should be
traagiset, riitaoja: worthless time stands still when you are here and I'm going blind / it's been too long but soon I'll hear your voice / that binds me
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rivers of mars / hellfire ocean void / viscera
kotilainen: rivers of mars you're as good as dead / so there's no time to waste
mielonen kaarnan kaatumisen jälkeen: the night is yours turn away from the sun / when life denies you light
vierto: in the hour of the wolf in the hour of the wolf / we can be as we desire
koskela: death's solitude why are my children followed by darkess / jaws that bite and claws that cut
koskela kaatuu: tooth and nail a punishment so cold / for a price so low
kaarna: magical death devastate, chant, the bullet is divine / conqueror of the new becometh victor
asemasota, kirkas pakkasyö: the lupine choir [instrumental]
määttä, lahtinen kaatunut: a long, groaning descent [instrumental]
perääntymisvaihe: in adamantine chains this rain / these chains / my hands are tied / I can only bear witness
viehe (ja laatta?): wreath [instrumental]
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New Head, new rules
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Mileena and the Demon Head wip
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I've been making some slow but steady progress on my girl here! Got a lot of the shading on her body done, texture in the ribbons, shading on the shoes, but still a LONG way to go. The head needs shading and details, the whole background, her hair, the fire, and I gotta finish the dress.
Thanks for looking! 💖🥰
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goodnightlawrence · 3 months
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lesdeuxmuses · 3 months
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Demon Head - Viscera (Metal Blade Records, 2021)
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onioneyez · 1 year
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He's very easily peer pressured
(Edit: I meant by the goats)
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jinmelon · 3 months
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tanjiro is feeling down
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izacore · 1 year
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You remember Jane Austen? Yeah. I'm not gonna forget her in a hurry, am I? The brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Brandy smuggler. Master spy. What a piece of work. She wrote books. Novels. Jane? Austen? Yes! Whoa, bit of a dark horse. Novels, eh? Yes. They were very good. Good Omens (2019-) || Pride and Prejudice (2005)
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catmask · 9 months
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rotating this freak
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Concept for Book of Demon Images (in progress). Ink hand painted on paper.
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One thing I noticed that interested me was that the Nine Headed Demon's magic has no shape, unlike the most other magical characters.
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I assume this is because it is tied to Chaos, but then I realized that I don't believe we see Macaque use geometric magic either, and the ending of season implies he has some times to chaos.
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Some interesting foreshadowing/parallels?
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goodnightlawrence · 4 months
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lesdeuxmuses · 9 months
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Demon Head - Hellfire Ocean Void (Svart Records, 2019)
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